Monday, January 3, 2011

Introduction to models of quantum computation and quantum programming languages

Miszczak has put together a paper, Introduction to models of quantum computation and quantum programming languages. Skimming through it, it seems to be a good overview of the subject and a quicker read than some other texts at 40 pages. While not a complete overview of quantum programming techniques, still worth flipping through. The abstract:

The goal of this report is to provide an introduction to the basic computational models used in quantum information theory. We various review models of quantum Turing machine, quantum circuits and quantum random access machine (QRAM) along with their classical counterparts. We also provide an introduction to quantum programming languages, which are developed using the QRAM model. We review the syntax of several existing quantum programming languages and discuss their features and limitations.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for noting that; had a read of it, shame they don't mention Cove or the work of Tucci. Probably worth a quick read.

    The one thing I did find interesting in it, was the suggestion of where to handle errors. It can be assumed that perhaps quantum errors are handle at a "quantum hardware" level, but they suggest that perhaps it should be done at the compilation stage (i.e. purely software). Interesting point, I think (at least, worth some thought).
